Monday, December 2, 2013

Bulk Insertion of Excel data into Table through Data Type

When we insert data into database from excel file mostly we tend to use one by one reading approach. But if records are more then it will take more time for insertion.
 So, to avoid that we can import excel data as data table into Database which consumes very less time.   

How we can achieve this?
1.      Make SQL Type

                     Create an SQL Type for storing bulk data into SQL table having columns same as column in excel.
                     Make sure data types which we are passing should be same as SQL table data type.  This is more important think in making SQL type for bulk insertion
The Process for the above activities as follows:
      [Column1] <Data Type>  NULL,
      [Column2] <Data Type>  NULL,
      [Column3] <Data Type>  NULL,
      [Column4] <Data Type>  NULL,
      [Column5] <Data Type>  NULL,
[Column6] <Data Type>  NULL,
[Column7] <Data Type>  NULL,
[Column8] <Data Type>  NULL,
[Column9] <Data Type>  NULL,

      [Column'N'] <Data Type>  NULL

2.     Make Store Procedure for bulk insertion

Create store procedure which actually inserts bulk data into table in which we can pass the data table as SQL Type which we created above and do the bulk insertion in table.

The Process for the above activities as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[<Procedure Name>]
      @DataTable AS dbo.<Type Name> READONLY
      /* SET NOCOUNT ON */

INSERT INTO  <Table Name>

From  @DataTable

3.     Get data from excel and pass this data to Store procedure as data table.

                     Open the connection string for excel and read the data from excels.
•              Pass this data as data tables to store procedure,
•              Column names (header) from excel are must be same as column in data
                Table and SQL Table.

The Process for the above activities as follows:
string xConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" + "Data Source=" +<excel file path>+ ";" + "Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;";

OleDbDataAdapter oda;

using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(xConnStr))

oda = new OleDbDataAdapter
"Select Column1, Column2,Column3,Column4,Column5,....,Column'N' FROM [SheetName$] where <Condition>", connection
     DataTable tblName = new DataTable();


SqlConnection con1 = new

["<Conn String>"]).ToString());

cmd1 = new SqlCommand("<SPNameForInsertion>", con1);
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

SqlParameter tvparam =
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dt", tblName);
tvparam.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0;